Friday, July 3, 2015

Ladder - Blessed or Cursed?

Ladder - Blessed or Cursed?

Helping people?

Love them deeply?

Motivating your loved ones?

Helping them get settled in life?

Helping them achieve their goals?

Trying to know what they actually want?

Helping them get rid of their family and personal problems?

If you do the above, don't feel when you,

get stabbed in the back

get thrown off like a tissue when they get what they want

hear them say that they wish they never met you in their life

see them tearing your heart apart into pieces

realize that they don't even try to understand what the problem is

It's just that they've got what they wanted. It's their time to move on with their new lives in which you've played a fair part in helping them get there. You are not allowed to be a part in their new circle.

Ladders are only meant to make people climb. A ladder never goes up. A ladder is never kept in mind by the people who use them. It's just the human mind. When people need you they embrace you, when they don't they embarrass you.

A ladder is certainly a blessing for the people and a curse for the ladder itself.

                                                                                                                                       - torment soul