Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Right time to do "Things"

Wondering when is the right time for you to do something?

Here's the secret. 

The right time to do anything is "Now". Yes, you heard it right and now is the best time for anything.

Don't believe me yet?

Go back in time and imagine what if you didn't make it to work today? Go further, what if you didn't get this job? Further yet, what if you went to a different school or college? The farthest, what if your parents never met?

The answer to every "What-If" would have given you a different direction in life. The direction that you are walking now is a result of everything that happened in the past and what you do today makes way for your future.

Embrace your present so that you won't have any regrets in the future. Don't ignore anyone or anything for you never know what the future holds for us.

If you are here, you are here for a reason, so start doing things right away.


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